203.17 km of border, all of it sea water
6115.11 km of border, mainly open shrublands (37%) and barren land (21%)
7509.77 km of border, mainly evergreen broadleaf forest (30%) and sea water (22%)
307.86 km of border, all of it sea water
456.21 km of border, all of it sea water
1059.09 km of border, mainly sea water (29%) and croplands (29%)
122.39 km of border, mainly grasslands (41%) and open shrublands (20%)
2035.65 km of border, mainly sea water (49%) and barren land (40%)
15220.55 km of border, mainly sea water (25%) and barren land (17%)
1496.45 km of border, mainly cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (31%) and croplands (27%)
2553.91 km of border, all of it sea water
411.3 km of border, all of it sea water
2713.0 km of border, mainly croplands (34%) and evergreen needleleaf forest (16%)
3164.29 km of border, mainly cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (28%) and inland water (24%)
1193.61 km of border, mainly cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (47%) and evergreen broadleaf forest (19%)
1556.73 km of border, mainly croplands (74%) and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (12%)
2381.63 km of border, mainly savannas (57%) and woody savannas (24%)
3836.18 km of border, mainly savannas (52%) and woody savannas (29%)
4536.02 km of border, mainly croplands (46%) and mixed forest (12%)
2204.03 km of border, mainly croplands (32%) and deciduous broadleaf forest (27%)
329.49 km of border, all of it sea water
2465.36 km of border, all of it sea water
1654.88 km of border, mainly croplands (39%) and deciduous broadleaf forest (30%)
157.68 km of border, all of it sea water
3716.33 km of border, mainly cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (77%) and croplands (17%)
971.97 km of border, mainly sea water (52%) and evergreen broadleaf forest (35%)
198.38 km of border, all of it sea water
7245.43 km of border, mainly evergreen broadleaf forest (37%) and open shrublands (20%)
23835.53 km of border, mainly evergreen broadleaf forest (44%) and sea water (31%)
228.73 km of border, all of it sea water
724.44 km of border, mainly evergreen broadleaf forest (45%) and sea water (31%)
1159.83 km of border, mainly mixed forest (24%) and deciduous broadleaf forest (23%)
4435.08 km of border, mainly grasslands (23%) and open shrublands (22%)
5820.26 km of border, mainly woody savannas (58%) and evergreen broadleaf forest (12%)
20711.4 km of border, mainly sea water (60%) and inland water (11%)
1914.79 km of border, mainly croplands (30%) and open shrublands (17%)
13803.49 km of border, mainly sea water (46%) and barren land (19%)
29127.31 km of border, mainly sea water (22%) and open shrublands (16%)
4159.8 km of border, mainly savannas (38%) and woody savannas (25%)
5549.27 km of border, mainly woody savannas (32%) and evergreen broadleaf forest (21%)
11414.3 km of border, mainly evergreen broadleaf forest (25%) and woody savannas (23%)
5005.64 km of border, mainly evergreen broadleaf forest (48%) and inland water (14%)
2280.1 km of border, all of it sea water
10001.78 km of border, mainly evergreen broadleaf forest (39%) and sea water (33%)
639.33 km of border, all of it sea water
1131.22 km of border, all of it sea water
1664.83 km of border, mainly sea water (60%) and evergreen broadleaf forest (30%)
2632.44 km of border, all of it sea water
292.01 km of border, all of it sea water
453.45 km of border, all of it sea water
898.99 km of border, mainly sea water (83%) and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (14%)
2321.3 km of border, mainly croplands (48%) and mixed forest (27%)
4804.53 km of border, mainly croplands (43%) and sea water (19%)
756.04 km of border, mainly barren land (53%) and sea water (29%)
250.82 km of border, all of it sea water
1961.16 km of border, mainly sea water (97%) and croplands (3%)
1627.28 km of border, mainly sea water (76%) and croplands (10%)
7686.07 km of border, mainly barren land (75%) and sea water (14%)
4281.24 km of border, mainly sea water (46%) and evergreen broadleaf forest (25%)
4684.4 km of border, mainly barren land (55%) and sea water (44%)
2773.93 km of border, mainly sea water (36%) and barren land (29%)
7593.31 km of border, mainly sea water (72%) and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (8%)
1452.28 km of border, mainly sea water (53%) and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (27%)
5891.79 km of border, mainly open shrublands (32%) and savannas (22%)
3914.71 km of border, mainly sea water (34%) and evergreen needleleaf forest (31%)
3192.72 km of border, sea water (98%) and unknown landuse (2%)
984.82 km of border, all of it sea water
30498.03 km of border, mainly sea water (86%) and croplands (4%)
439.8 km of border, all of it sea water
6491.21 km of border, all of it sea water
3463.36 km of border, mainly evergreen broadleaf forest (54%) and sea water (22%)
5592.18 km of border, mainly sea water (91%) and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (6%)
2139.12 km of border, mainly open shrublands (23%) and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (21%)
243.38 km of border, all of it sea water
3027.79 km of border, mainly savannas (50%) and sea water (20%)
36.82 km of border, all of it sea water
4660.88 km of border, mainly woody savannas (50%) and savannas (20%)
407.61 km of border, all of it sea water
892.13 km of border, mainly woody savannas (39%) and savannas (15%)
1130.95 km of border, mainly woody savannas (41%) and sea water (32%)
1358.37 km of border, mainly sea water (59%) and evergreen broadleaf forest (29%)
10179.14 km of border, mainly sea water (88%) and croplands (5%)
284.78 km of border, sea water (100%) and inland water (0%)
7205.24 km of border, all of it sea water
2112.67 km of border, mainly evergreen broadleaf forest (40%) and sea water (20%)
1668.91 km of border, mainly evergreen broadleaf forest (53%) and sea water (27%)
3493.76 km of border, mainly evergreen broadleaf forest (56%) and sea water (14%)
218.95 km of border, mainly sea water (89%) and open shrublands (4%)
3157.51 km of border, mainly sea water (48%) and evergreen broadleaf forest (23%)
3295.08 km of border, mainly croplands (29%) and sea water (29%)
1552.65 km of border, mainly sea water (75%) and croplands (11%)
2209.99 km of border, mainly croplands (62%) and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (17%)
16130.23 km of border, mainly sea water (82%) and evergreen broadleaf forest (13%)
248.82 km of border, all of it sea water
21985.28 km of border, mainly sea water (36%) and croplands (20%)
875.73 km of border, all of it sea water
1955.85 km of border, mainly sea water (74%) and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (16%)
8485.96 km of border, mainly open shrublands (22%) and sea water (22%)
3971.25 km of border, mainly open shrublands (41%) and barren land (23%)
1867.13 km of border, all of it sea water
1368.85 km of border, mainly cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (29%) and barren land (27%)
7175.81 km of border, mainly sea water (72%) and open shrublands (8%)
878.83 km of border, all of it sea water
191.73 km of border, all of it sea water
1813.94 km of border, mainly barren land (48%) and open shrublands (36%)
12977.97 km of border, all of it sea water
14724.9 km of border, mainly croplands (24%) and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (21%)
3871.1 km of border, mainly closed shrublands (24%) and open shrublands (19%)
4320.64 km of border, mainly open shrublands (26%) and barren land (23%)
3097.9 km of border, mainly evergreen broadleaf forest (29%) and croplands (27%)
4893.34 km of border, all of it sea water
227.53 km of border, all of it sea water
2551.66 km of border, mainly sea water (90%) and mixed forest (6%)
694.59 km of border, mainly open shrublands (39%) and sea water (39%)
5361.78 km of border, mainly evergreen broadleaf forest (26%) and mixed forest (19%)
707.44 km of border, mainly sea water (35%) and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (18%)
2349.49 km of border, mainly evergreen broadleaf forest (30%) and sea water (26%)
242.33 km of border, all of it sea water
77.85 km of border, mainly croplands (54%) and evergreen needleleaf forest (29%)
1292.04 km of border, all of it sea water
1104.17 km of border, mainly savannas (47%) and grasslands (32%)
1759.26 km of border, mainly cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (70%) and croplands (9%)
368.09 km of border, mainly croplands (91%) and mixed forest (8%)
1901.29 km of border, mainly cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (56%) and sea water (27%)
49.91 km of border, mainly sea water (93%) and barren land (3%)
158.88 km of border, mainly sea water (89%) and permanent wetlands (4%)
5846.59 km of border, mainly barren land (49%) and sea water (44%)
58.04 km of border, all of it sea water
1937.02 km of border, mainly cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (52%) and croplands (41%)
3891.06 km of border, all of it sea water
1940.5 km of border, all of it sea water
15119.84 km of border, mainly sea water (71%) and open shrublands (9%)
5182.89 km of border, all of it sea water
897.43 km of border, mainly croplands (39%) and deciduous broadleaf forest (28%)
242.43 km of border, all of it sea water
8875.93 km of border, mainly evergreen broadleaf forest (27%) and sea water (25%)
854.37 km of border, mainly deciduous broadleaf forest (26%) and croplands (23%)
8094.4 km of border, mainly grasslands (44%) and open shrublands (24%)
7432.76 km of border, mainly sea water (33%) and croplands (23%)
157.42 km of border, all of it sea water
298.29 km of border, all of it sea water
1033.6 km of border, all of it sea water
3179.39 km of border, mainly savannas (30%) and inland water (24%)
7426.59 km of border, mainly sea water (59%) and evergreen broadleaf forest (27%)
289.78 km of border, all of it sea water
5788.68 km of border, mainly sea water (26%) and savannas (24%)
3989.0 km of border, all of it sea water
5347.27 km of border, mainly savannas (29%) and woody savannas (22%)
2471.11 km of border, mainly sea water (48%) and evergreen broadleaf forest (35%)
201.54 km of border, all of it sea water
2456.88 km of border, mainly sea water (56%) and croplands (33%)
8425.32 km of border, mainly sea water (69%) and evergreen needleleaf forest (7%)
3301.78 km of border, mainly croplands (36%) and snow and ice (15%)
157.1 km of border, all of it sea water
7435.25 km of border, all of it sea water
3604.29 km of border, mainly sea water (57%) and barren land (26%)
8423.14 km of border, mainly barren land (34%) and open shrublands (21%)
2002.29 km of border, mainly sea water (64%) and evergreen broadleaf forest (18%)
616.67 km of border, all of it sea water
10432.01 km of border, mainly evergreen broadleaf forest (47%) and sea water (31%)
5742.5 km of border, all of it sea water
1613.98 km of border, all of it sea water
8007.47 km of border, mainly sea water (90%) and evergreen broadleaf forest (7%)
3576.99 km of border, mainly croplands (39%) and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (24%)
2830.56 km of border, mainly sea water (42%) and mixed forest (16%)
4090.15 km of border, mainly sea water (68%) and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (13%)
4216.06 km of border, mainly inland water (29%) and woody savannas (25%)
14200.91 km of border, all of it sea water
906.05 km of border, mainly sea water (92%) and barren land (7%)
332.26 km of border, all of it sea water
3181.33 km of border, mainly croplands (43%) and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (29%)
60518.89 km of border, mainly sea water (57%) and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (9%)
977.34 km of border, mainly cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (43%) and inland water (16%)
6896.01 km of border, mainly sea water (38%) and barren land (36%)
7734.89 km of border, mainly barren land (32%) and savannas (28%)
3429.25 km of border, mainly woody savannas (34%) and sea water (17%)
237.08 km of border, mainly sea water (99%) and urban and built-up land (1%)
2051.44 km of border, all of it sea water
814.68 km of border, all of it sea water
4633.47 km of border, all of it sea water
1560.05 km of border, mainly sea water (29%) and woody savannas (26%)
985.49 km of border, mainly sea water (38%) and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (25%)
40.07 km of border, mainly croplands (89%) and closed shrublands (8%)
5481.84 km of border, mainly sea water (57%) and open shrublands (25%)
246.98 km of border, all of it sea water
2381.77 km of border, mainly croplands (35%) and deciduous broadleaf forest (31%)
6187.61 km of border, mainly woody savannas (59%) and savannas (24%)
594.38 km of border, all of it sea water
2191.91 km of border, mainly evergreen broadleaf forest (54%) and sea water (22%)
1649.55 km of border, mainly croplands (35%) and deciduous broadleaf forest (29%)
1347.37 km of border, mainly deciduous broadleaf forest (42%) and croplands (34%)
4998.48 km of border, mainly sea water (56%) and evergreen needleleaf forest (12%)
551.61 km of border, mainly croplands (52%) and savannas (25%)
97.13 km of border, mainly sea water (82%) and permanent wetlands (7%)
2719.31 km of border, all of it sea water
2548.65 km of border, mainly open shrublands (27%) and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (24%)
504.49 km of border, all of it sea water
6246.08 km of border, mainly barren land (46%) and woody savannas (27%)
2003.64 km of border, mainly savannas (65%) and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (15%)
8149.09 km of border, mainly sea water (29%) and evergreen broadleaf forest (25%)
4168.0 km of border, mainly open shrublands (26%) and barren land (19%)
514.72 km of border, all of it sea water
4772.47 km of border, mainly open shrublands (27%) and inland water (20%)
1069.01 km of border, mainly sea water (76%) and croplands (16%)
2212.62 km of border, all of it sea water
604.54 km of border, all of it sea water
2510.42 km of border, mainly barren land (43%) and sea water (39%)
6243.71 km of border, mainly sea water (32%) and inland water (21%)
1625.17 km of border, all of it sea water
1825.81 km of border, all of it sea water
5061.21 km of border, mainly inland water (29%) and sea water (16%)
2868.09 km of border, mainly woody savannas (29%) and inland water (19%)
7282.53 km of border, mainly croplands (40%) and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (30%)
2344.3 km of border, mainly sea water (36%) and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (23%)
44302.29 km of border, mainly sea water (74%) and inland water (5%)
6892.04 km of border, mainly open shrublands (31%) and croplands (21%)
3.82 km of border, all of it urban and built-up land
335.32 km of border, sea water (100%) and inland water (0%)
7306.13 km of border, mainly evergreen broadleaf forest (49%) and sea water (27%)
312.66 km of border, sea water (99%) and inland water (1%)
7705.69 km of border, mainly sea water (38%) and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic (15%)
2034.26 km of border, all of it sea water
385.86 km of border, all of it sea water
503.61 km of border, all of it sea water
741.87 km of border, mainly deciduous broadleaf forest (46%) and croplands (26%)
4802.84 km of border, mainly sea water (67%) and barren land (18%)
7048.84 km of border, mainly sea water (35%) and open shrublands (14%)
6282.1 km of border, mainly savannas (26%) and evergreen broadleaf forest (17%)
3248.83 km of border, mainly croplands (28%) and savannas (23%)
what are the world's national borders used for?
a border is never just a boundary between two abstract political entities, it also runs through concrete physical space.
this website shows linear representations of all national border segments of the world based on their physical landuse according to the 17 IGBP land cover classes.
a service provided by the Futile Software Corporation. you might also enjoy our other border inspection products.
border trajectory data © OpenStreetMap contributors, landuse data (MODIS MCD12Q1) courtesy of NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC. inclusion of countries and territories is based on the ISO 3166-1 standard.