everything is interesting once
everything is interesting once

you’re standing in front of a little colourful LED display box, the kind of cheap consumer entertainment gimmick that you might come across in a discount toy shop. it’s not clear why anyone ever buys such a thing, but once it has made its way into someone’s home it will provide entertainment for the whole family for no more than a few hours before it ends up in a drawer to collect dust. still, in this moment, it somehow manages to draw you in with its little flickering lights. it certainly lacks the dazzling sway of the newest high-tech, and it doesn’t have the chic nostalgia of some truly retro technology speaking for it either. it sits on uncomfortable middle ground, desperately trying to draw your attention to it for just a second longer, before it disappears as just another faint memory in the endless stream of impressions that is hurled in your face on a daily basis.

everything is interesting once is a playful challenge to human attention, an object that is both boring and alluring at the same time. as it displays the static slogan announcing its own obsolence in bright letters, the individual pixels that make up the message keep transforming and changing in mesmerizing ways that are tuned to the human attention span, with dynamics designed to draw viewers in and keep them hooked. in a dark room low on other stimuli, the piece is an invitation to decelerate, to take a second look at technology that is not cutting edge, to get lost in the depths and dynamics of one seemingly unexciting message.